Monday, February 28, 2011

At Chopstick again v my Dear ^^

came here so many times v my dear lo....lots of memory here...remenber at last year at 16/9/2010...
my fren all giv me a birthday surprise....i was really shock tat time...felt so happy...although i saw them taking the cake in ...hehe...thanks all my fren...(xin lei,sue szean,wai yan,vee vian,tina,xian yunn)....thanks all for the cake...
never forget it...

wai yan,vee vian n me ^^

me wishing ^^

our left over...=P

me n szean ^^

Lei,me,szean n tina ^^
All seventh of us ^^

me n lei ^^

we 3 ji mui...^^

 After having lunch n my surprise party....we all when to NEWAY to high tat day...=P

the room we sing ^^
tina,szean n wai yan

me n szean ^^

Qi n Lei ^^

tina n me ^^

after all going bac i took a pic to leave it for my memories...C=


29/10/2010....go chopstick to have lunch v my Dear lo...hehe...=P

my Dear lik model promoting chopstick LAM MEE ^^ promoting too....=P

me n Dear...XD

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